Size: 139KB KD5GKE looking out where the 145.290MHz antenna used to be earlier in the week
Size: 135KB KD5GKE looks out over hazy Pasadena, TX
Size: 130KB Random KD5GKE shot
Size: 108KB AC5KD operating simplex at the 489FT level on the San Jacento Monument
Size: 131KB KD5GKE operating simplex at the San Jacento monument
Size: 512KB 14 inch gun loader inside turret of Battleship Texas
Size: 393KB San Jacento monument from Battleship Texas deck
Size: 346KB AC5KD and KD5GKE on Battleship Texas
Size: 346KB Another shot of AC5KD and KD5GKE
Size: 452KB AC5KD on the deck of Battleship Texas
Size: 417KB KD5GKE on the deck of Battleship Texas
Size: 487KB Battleship Texas radio room
Size: 516KB Powder bags in Battleship Texas turret for 14 inch guns
Size: 389KB Radio room on BB35 Battleship Texas